Friday, May 13, 2011

Judgement Day: May 21st, 2011

Harold Camping, a preacher from Oakland California and president of a religious broadcasting network called Family Radio, is guaranteeing based on Bible prophecy, that the Second Coming of Christ will happen next Saturday May 21st. (read here)

Hmmmm... maybe Mr. Camping did not read these words of Christ: "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is." Mark 13: 32-33.

However... just in case he knows something I don't, I'm gonna get my drink and my freak on this weekend... it could be my last! I'll make sure I get to church on Sunday though, both morning and evening services, to ask for forgiveness of all the nastiness I'm gonna do... then I'll be covered!


  1. Bro.Asa, I agree with your choice of Mark 13:32-33 to challenge this man's prediction. But I find myself still uncomfortable when these dire pronouncements are made. I'll think about you & your family next Sunday and send a prayer your way during the altar call. They only have a morning I'll find another sanctuary that evening. You know...just in case. :-)

  2. Sis. Carolyn... thanks for your prayers. I need as much as I can get... just in case [;o)
