Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday chat with Dad

Hey Dad... damn it's been cold lately. February has been set aside as the time for Black History Month, as well as the Month of Love, when we celebrate Valentine's Day. I understand the irony of Black History Month in North America being celebrated in the coldest and shortest month of the year. The jokes on us. But I want to talk today about love.
The best thing about Valentine's Day being in February, is that it gives one the excuse to cuddle with their sweetie... not that you should need an excuse to cuddle. However, the warmth of love soothes the soul... and the bones... especially during the cold days of February.

So I've been thinking about the power of love between a man and his wife. It's more powerful than the love between friends... those who are dating... even those who are in a common-law relationship. I've been in all such relationships and the love I have for my wife is more complete and intense than I ever had within the other relationships. I understand more clearly now through this prism of love, why those in same-sex relationships are fighting for the right to be married.

Jesus stated: “But at the beginning of creation God made them male and female. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” Paul further advises that as a husband, I must love my wife as I love myself. 

This is a profound concept today, as it was back then. Couples more often than not celebrate their individual independence, while my wife and I relish in our interdependence on each other. I am not ashamed, nor do I think it's unmanly to declare that I depend and rely on my wife... that she does indeed complete me. I know that loving oneself is important, but being in love with someone is celestial. 

We have our ups and downs, our good times and bad, but I know without a doubt that she's got my back, as we walk side by side together through this life. She's the "help meet" you promised me, to help me meet all my needs, wants, desires, ambitions, hopes... as well as my fears. We may not be perfect, our relationship may be far from perfect... however, we're perfect for each other through you. 

I appreciate and am thankful that you brought us together... not just on February 14th of every year... but every day of every year.            


  1. What a loving tribute to your wife and love of your life. I've been on sites today where they've jokingly spoke of cupid and called the little rascal all kinds of names. But many were thankful for the arrows that made their mark and some for the near misses!

    I truly understand this talk with "Dad" quite well and so does my husband of 40 yrs. and the love of my life for 42. We are thankful that he made this possible and that the downs were few and brief and the ups/re-negotiations of faith and love made us stronger over the years. The cherub had nothing to do with this.

    Happy Valentine's Day to you and the Mrs. and may you continue to walk this journey together in love & with "Dad". :-) Oh's black hx. in the making every day for us!

  2. Happy Valentine's Day to you and your Mr. Moon also. May he continue to be the Sun in your life... a play on!

    Stay blessed!
